We know from experience that leaders who take  a facilitative approach to their position are some of the most effective and powerful leaders, regardless of their industry. We believe that all leaders—and the team members they lead—deserve to reap the productivity and efficiency benefits that come with a facilitative leader, so we have created a series of leadership courses that teach your company’s leadership and management how to incorporate facilitation skills into their everyday processes to create success for your whole organization.

Becoming an Effective Facilitator

We offer a wide variety of courses that help leaders to use more facilitation skills in their interactions. In 2014, these courses include From Management to Leadership, The Effective Communicator, Buying Styles Workshop, Masterful Presentations and Communication Styles Workshop. We offer each of these courses privately so that they can be scheduled as your organization needs, and we present them on site so that leaders need not travel away from your campus.

From Management to Leadership is the ideal place to start your facilitative leadership training. This course covers the three key levels of leadership development to help your leaders grow in their effectiveness as leaders. This facilitation training course encourages your management to grow out of their current management-only mindset into true leaders within your organization.

Be a Better Communicator

The Effective Communicator is designed to help your company’s leaders to use the DISC model to identify and work with the variety of communication styles they will encounter throughout their careers. In addition to learning about the communication of others, your leaders will learn about their preferred communication style, its challenges and how to overcome them to become more effective communicators. Our Communication Styles Workshop expands on these concepts.

Our Buying Styles Workshop takes the idea of individual communication styles and translates it to the way people buy. Most customers can only be sold to in certain ways, and this course helps your sales people to quickly identify the best way to sell to a customer.