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Testimonial: Georgia Association for Women Lawyers

In addition to the public and private classes we offer at Leadership Strategies, we also offer consulting services where we implement the same principles and strategies we teach. We have helped hundreds of organizations create more powerful futures for themselves and the people they serve. Here’s how we helped The Georgia Association for Women Lawyers.

“GAWL is the premier organization for women lawyers in the state of Georgia. GAWL started over 74 years ago, and currently has a membership of over 600. Our members represent 10% of all women who actively participate in the practice of law in Georgia.

Last year we decided to take a thorough look at every area of the organization to determine the future needs and direction of this chapter, and take full advantage of all the resources we have available to us. We wanted to put together a strong, cohesive strategic plan to cover the next three to five years, and identify the specific steps and resources needed to get there.

Like good attorneys, when our Board met to create a strategic plan, we had carefully studied the situation assessment down to the smallest details. The in-depth surveys we designed with Leadership Strategies had yielded some interesting results: while overall our members were very satisfied with our organization and our programs, we were not adequately addressing two of the highest-ranked interests of target members: networking/rainmaking and leadership development.

The Board spent the weekend mapping out plans to re-direct our efforts to areas where we had not previously put organizational weight. Frankly, it was a little bit scary to look at our Board and committee structure and budget and consider the important changes to be made. However, leaving the planning weekend, there was an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. While there is tremendous work to be done, our 3-year plan will take our organization to new heights and serve our members more effectively than at any time in our 75-year history.

As we dig into our action plans for our top strategies, we know that we are all on the same page, working for the same goals, for the same reasons. THAT is a positive Board experience.”

-Rebecca Godbey, Esq.
President-Elect, GAWL

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